Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Observers looking at the Pro's play

DSC00706.JPG, originally uploaded by hippetrip.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Yes they bought 3 trophys for 15�
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Which team are they supporting?
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Mexicans doing mess, as usual
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

NO, it's only me Campione del Mondo
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Oh but sometimes people can make me change my team! but just for a few seconds
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Campione del Mondo
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

La France en force
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Going to the final
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

How it was before
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The 1/2m Bratwurst disappering
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Some pigs writing on it
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The famous wall, and the west side gallery
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

I don't understand anything but they don't joke, that's clear and obvious
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Just see the happiness of the househusband
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Lidl, toujours moins ch�r!
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Stop, walk, stop, walk, stop, walk! The Eastern German way of living life
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Ads from Western Germany
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A part of the Wall
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Some stuff that Jude must had during the 2nd World War
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Some ads in Eastern Germany
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A replica of a cemetery built by the end of the 1st world war
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The guy is very popular
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

My new friend
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Everybody waiting for his/her turn
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Waiting for his turn to call
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A machine and its gardian
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Some beds inside the bunker
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Ladies first!
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Ivan, stop doing tricks
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

My new last generation car!
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Discovering Berlin
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Breathing football
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Tous unis avec les bleus
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The stylish sun flower hotel
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Or with these pretty girls who are eating this beautiful dish
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Or with these foreigners who are trying to get the nationality
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Even inside the train
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The party begins!
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A transportless person going back home
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

People in front of the Bradenburger Tor
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Beautiful Reichstag
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Yes that's normal for Ivan, we have full moon
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Tous unis avec Deutschland! By Lidl
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Oooooooooooooooooooh Mein Deutschland
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Welcome to Fan Fest Berlin
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Deutschland or Bitburger, what should we choose?
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity