Wednesday, August 31, 2005

And another photo of the beach
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A ship approaching the cost
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

beautiful pic
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

It was a cool trip
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The name is there =)
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A beach near to Caen, I don't remember its name, I think it was Colleville Sur Mer
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Downtown of Caen
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The flags of France and of Normandy
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Another view of the Castle.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A church inside there.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A canon inside the castle
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The entrance of the Castle.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The Ducal's Castle in Caen.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Another church there
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A church in Caen.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The Cathedral of Lisieux.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

The most famous building of Brussels, it has some "tilted" columns which made its architect suicide when he finished it.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

More buildings of there
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Another photo of some buildings located at Grand Place
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That's the Grand Place in Brussels
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Mus�e du Louvre
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The Notre Dame Cathedral
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The Champs Elys�es Avenue
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L'Arc du Triomphe, at Champs Elys�es
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No comments
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Lille's Europe train station. Gare de Lille Europe
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Lille's downtown. Centro de Lille
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A chinese building in Lille. Um pr�dio chines em Lille
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Lille 3.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Lille's train station. Gare de Lille
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Another photo of Lille. Outra foto de Lille
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Ai estamos em Lille, uma das cidades mais chiques da Fran�a. O lugar para se fazer o festa tb.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The guy from left is Jorge, the guy with a body like a fighter at the end of his career, althrough, he plays incredibly well guitar. Besides that, Jorge was always my advicer in the most difficult hours, always with his "naco" advices. I hope that he'll be back in february and then we'll be able to have our parties with those horrible mexican songs... Esse a esquerda � o Jorge, como voces podem ver ele tem um corpo de lutador de fim de carreira, mas toca historicamente bem violao. Alem disso, Jorge sempre foi meu conselheiro nas horas mais dificeis aqui dando sempre seus conselhos pedreiros... Espero q em fevereiro ele volte para voltarmos a fazer aquelas festas com aquela musica mexicana horrivel
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Sunday, August 14, 2005

So, that's Bolinho's Mom, Nubia, one of the coolest girls here. She's Lidl's Number 1 fan. She likes saying: "Quiero ir a Mexico", that means I wanna go to Mexico, and she's taking now portuguese classes with me. She is a great cooker (what good tacos) even if she doesn't admit if the place of women is in the kitchen (girls, I'm joking, please don't spank me). Ah, and she likes Strokes and all these argh! indie-rock bands.Essa � a Nubia, a fa numero um do Lidl (supermercado de pobre). Ela gosta de dizer: Quero ir ao M�xico e ela ta tendo aulas de portugues comigo. Sabe fazer uma comida deliciosa, mesmo nao admitindo q o lugar das mulheres � a cozinha (to brincando) e gosta desses grupos de indie-rock e dos Strokes argh!.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

That's Bolinho, from Brazil, who is the son of Nubia. Take care, if you do something bad to him, you'll have problems with her Mom. (Own experience). Esse � o Bolinho, ele vem do Brasil e � filho de Nubia. Tome cuidado, se vc faz algo ruim para ele, vc tera problemas com sua mae. (experiencia propria)
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Well, that's the whole group J. I hope I'll see at least most of them again. Esse � o grupo J inteiro. Espero ve-los de novo.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Yann, the guy who will be my colleague on football next year, and also has already eaten feijoada. Yann, o garoto que vai ser meu colega no foot ano que vem, e que tambem ja comeu feijoada.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Tsila and Hoby, that were like Batman and Hobin. Tsila plays really badly poker, he was always losing for me. Tsila e Hoby, que eram como Batman e Hobin. Tsila joga muito mal poker, sempre perdendo para mim. (La Honte)
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Simon, who have already eaten feijoada. Did you like it? Simon, que ja comeu feijoada.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

That's Marie-Pierre from Tunisia, one of the most symphatic girls which I've known for my life. Essa � a Marie-Pierre da Tunisia, uma das meninas mais simpaticas que eu ja conheci na vida.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

That's Hoby, from Madagascar, a great timid flirter. Esse � o Hoby, do Madagascar, um otimo paquerador timido.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Another photo of Dieppe. Outra foto de Dieppe.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

More from the Castle of Dieppe. Mais do Castelo de Dieppe
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Dieppe's Castle. Castelo de Dieppe
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Dieppe, a beach located 60km far from Rouen. Dieppe, uma praia a 60km de Rouen
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

A World Exposition of Cerfs Volants (English???). Uma exposi�ao mundial de pipas.
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Allez Rouen!
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Long life Brasil!
Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity

Freedom for Software Creation, freedom for creativity